Stay Informed
1. Treat every child that comes into home like a new baby being born.
Whether you knew they were coming to their home for months or you got the call at midnight last night, they need support the same as a new mom with a new baby. Regardless of the age of the child. This applies to both temporary placements and those that are going to be permanent in the family.
2. Babysit
They need a break sometimes. Offer to babysit. Parents can’t afford a lot of extra babysitting. Offer to come over and play with the kids so they can run some errands, take a nap, or catch up on some cleaning.
3. Call and Listen
This journey of foster care and adoption is sometimes overwhelming! It may not make a lot of sense to you. You aren’t really going to solve problems. But is nice to have someone to just listen.
**You don’t have to be a foster parent or adoptive parent to give a listening ear or to call and check on someone.
Absolutely NEVER tell a foster parent or adoptive parent, “Well…You chose this.”
4. Be a Big Brother or Grandma to the child
This little person who is new in your (friend/sister/brother)’s lives most likely has lost all family connections or even if that is not the case. It shows how much you care if you step in and be an aunt or uncle to their foster child.
5. Be Understanding
Trauma is a real thing. And these children who have witnessed and experienced difficult lives sometimes need special care and can express themselves in ways that may not make sense to you. Understand that plans may change due to the kids and that doesn’t mean that they don’t care about your friendship. It just means that these kids are healing and sometimes foster parents or adoptive parents have to make the hard decision to put them first.
They are parents that are learning to parent kids who have had trauma.
6. Don’t wait to be asked for help.
They might find it hard to ask for help and want to be the super-parent all the time. Be a good friend and offer help even if you think it’s not necessary.
IDEAS of ways to help:
- bring coffee
- pick up groceries
- bring a meal or two
- drop off diapers and other essentials
- mow the lawn
7. Donate supplies to your local Foster or Adoption Agency
At Child Link in 2018, we worked with over 300 kids in need. Just imagine how many supply one kid needs, now multiply that by 300.
Ask your local foster or adoption agency for information on how you can help.
If you are interested in donating, click here.
8. Don’t ask for all the details.
Some times they can’t always share with you everything about the child and what they have been through. Sometime it’s better to wait and see what foster parents and adoptive parents share with you.
9. Keep checking on them.
Not every day is a hard day, but just in case. Be there to support them through the hard parts. Example: Foster Kid goes home to the biological parent. (That is bitter sweet and it’s always good to have a friend to talk to)
10. Let them know it’s ok!
If you know someone interested in becoming a foster parent or adoptive parent let them know that it is ok! “We were all born with the ability to change someone’s life. Don’t waste it.”
For more information on becoming a foster parent or from foster to adopt:
Give us a call at (312) 377-4735 or send us a email at [email protected].
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